Alex at Macchu Pichu:

Cuzco Peru:
Logan in the back of a pickup truck in Ica Peru:
Our last moments with Richard the Great:
Having a beer in Cuzco:

Long time, no speaky. Very sorry, but I will try to fill in the gaps below.
Anyways, we just arrived into San Pedro de Attacama (Northern Chile, desert oasis) after an intense 24 hours of buses and borders. Despite the lack of sleep we are all in good spirits, though it appears Senor Henkes has acquired some type of Peruvian cold. Its fitting that someone had to get sick atleast one more time in order to fulfill my Foreigner Peru Illness Theory which goes, all foreigners will become ill 1x per week in Peru due to sanitation faults and poor social hygiene (unless you are a Wilson which means you are invincible). God bless Peru, it is a truly beautiful place with wonderful people, but, I am somewhat jaded cus' I was sick 80% of the time. Anyways, we spent 3 weeks in Cuzco doing volunteer work (I at a juvenille prison, Alex at an afterschool program, Logan at various restaurants and museums). We all had good experiences and though volunteering may be a self gratifying endeavour, I think we each gave something positive back. Last weekend was spent in Macchu Picchu which we all found to be a truly beautiful and epic place - I strongly suggest you check it out if possible. Alex/I checked out a soccer game (Cuzco vs. somewhere) which was a good game for the locals because Cuzco won 2 - 1. We also ended up doing some off-roading adventures through the Andes which was also incredible (I will spare the parents any details and suspense).
We will be here until Tuesday and then off to Salta Argentina for the final leg of the trip (for me atleast). Alex has extended his trip until the end of May as he is planning an amazing trek through Torres del Pines (a beautiful national park in Chile/Arg). Logan is off to Easter Island with our new friend Richard Bannister March 24th and then meeting back up with Alex for the trek further south. As for me, I will be in the BA area for 2 weeks and then back to reality early early April.
I hope you all are well and like the pictures.
The Richards