Hi -
Sorry for the delay for those of you tracking us, life on the road
has distracted us from taking an active interest in relaying our experiences back to you - even though we miss you all. So far things have gone smoothly ie: no major heists, police bribes, debaucherous events etc. . From Mexico City we headed south to Chicahau and then to Porto Escondido where we made a few noteworthy friends (pictured below) and immersed ourselves in varying degrees of hearthdom. After 5 days in that area we headed northeast through the Yucatan (San Cristobal, Palenque, and Chetumal). From Chetumal we headed south into Belize to a town called Dangriga and from Dangriga to Key Whipray off the southern coast of Belize near Placencia. The key was an exceptional experience as I was attacked by a hostile needle fish which, irritated by my fishing lure firmly hooked in its mouth, decided revenge on my leg and hand was necessary (unfortunately he suffered a worse fate). After our time on the key we promply sped off to Guatemala and here I am writing you from Tical.

On a final note, I'd like to give a shout out to my Belgium brother Matt, nice barrel bro, his girlfriend Camille, Sabrina, Charlie and Kyla, and Sev. We miss you guys.
And everybody back home, we miss you too.
To my honeybuns nephew, Mike! Don't trust any of those suckers. I have spent many a night in my travels in Guetemala, Belize, and Mexico. Can be dangerous! Watch out for the tarantulas that drop from the ceilings etc.don't argue at Border crossings.just keep walking across with lips sealed. ( especially the crossing into Guetemala!)I LOVED Tikal! Spent 3 days there. Watched the sunset while in the jungle and sitting on some of the ruins. di you go up the ruin with the narrow chamber? scary! Loved the howler monkeys!Get antibiotics at any place. carry Cipro for any stomach ailments. Keep us updated. Love you! Auntie Brenda :)
Love the glamour shot of you in the morning. Keep up the blogs, they are fun to read from the homeland. The pics make it look like a scene from "The Beach", just with less sex and no Thai food. Have fun and listen to Aunt Brenda. She seems to have her sh** together. Just keep doing what you are doing. Much love. Tyler, Heather, P and T
miss ya too boyz.... but igotta go pritty fast now if i wanted to catch up down sout... the waves were just to good... had to stick to the coast. cya xxx
Mike you look like a serial killer. Cute pic underwater. Love, nosajamus
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